49 s2 விந்துவே வரம் ஆக்கலும் காத்தலும் அழித்தலும் நடத்தும்! Q&A 49 day of 90 days Celibacy nofap challenge

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Season 2 Day 49 – விந்துவே வரம் ஆக்கலும் காத்தலும் அழித்தலும் நடத்தும்! Q&A 49 day of 90 days Celibacy nofap challenge

Celibacy Nofap 90 Days Challenge – Season 2


In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of maintaining celibacy and the profound impact it has on our spiritual and physical well-being. Learn how to harness the power of yoga, meditation, and the principles of the 90 Days Nofap challenge to lead a more fulfilling life. Discover practical tips and techniques to manage your energy, control your mind, and avoid the pitfalls of self-indulgence. This episode is filled with insightful answers to common questions about celibacy, the importance of conserving vital energy, and the transformative benefits of this journey.

Episode Summary

15:55 – 16:14: Enjoy the energy you receive. With discipline, your energy will be directed to your brain, enhancing your mental faculties.
16:14 – 16:34: Tips for managing energy surges, including using a tamarind or stone at the base of your spine to alleviate headaches.
16:35 – 17:16: Emphasis on the spiritual nature of celibacy and the side effects of energy conservation. Importance of Kundalini practices.
17:17 – 21:46: The importance of conserving speech energy and the moral implications of wasting it. Reflection on the value of life and energy.
21:47 – 22:20: Addressing potential physical weaknesses from energy wastage and the teachings of sages on the quality of life linked to energy conservation.
22:20 – 23:09: The influence of a Guru in one’s journey. An upcoming video about the Guru’s guidance.
23:10 – 24:17: Responding to negative comments and explaining the stages of celibacy practices, including Vindhu Jayam Paithi.
24:18 – 25:18: The benefits of completing stages in celibacy practices and the role of Guru’s guidance in achieving progress.
25:19 – 26:18: Introduction to Kaayakalpa Paithi and its transformative power. Encouragement to join classic and modern celibacy practices.
26:19 – 32:08: Encouraging perseverance in the celibacy journey and addressing questions from listeners.
32:09 – 35:00: Addressing various questions about celibacy practices and personal experiences. Advice on dealing with kundalini awakening symptoms.


#CelibacyChallenge #Nofap90Days #YogaJourney #MeditationBenefits #EnergyConservation #SpiritualGrowth #KundaliniAwakening #MindControl #LifeTransformation #Wellbeing #SelfDiscipline #VitalEnergy #GuruGuidance #PracticalAdvice #MentalStrength #PhysicalHealth #SpiritualPractices #PositiveChange #JourneyToSuccess #InnerPeace