83 s2 வலிமை பெற விந்துவே துணை Q&A 83 day of 90 days Celibacy nofap challenge tamil meditations

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Celibacy Nofap 90 Days Challenge – Season 2

Celibacy Nofap 90 Days Challenge – Season 2


In this enlightening episode of the 90 Days Nofap Challenge, we explore the profound effects of celibacy, yoga, and meditation on one’s life. The session provides detailed guidance on maintaining celibacy, the benefits of conserving sexual energy, and practical techniques for energy transmutation. By sharing personal stories and addressing common challenges, this episode aims to motivate and support individuals on their journey towards self-improvement and spiritual growth. Join us as we delve into the principles of celibacy and discover the transformative power it holds.

Episode Summary

12:15 – 12:31 Encouragement to follow celibacy before marriage and focus on the present moment.

12:31 – 12:44 Discussing the benefits of 5 years of celibacy and meditation.

12:46 – 12:52 Advice on not worrying about wasted years and following pure celibacy for 5 years.

12:53 – 13:10 Comparing daily meditation experiments to 6 months of regular meditation for energy improvement.

13:10 – 13:23 Emphasizing the long-term effects of 5 years of celibacy and meditation.

13:23 – 13:39 Reassurance that achieving goals is possible at a young age with dedication.

13:39 – 13:57 Addressing a viewer’s concern about a rubber band feeling around the head and providing a simple technique for relief.

13:57 – 14:24 Explaining the technique of focusing on the spinal cord to alleviate head problems.

14:25 – 14:36 Assurance that the technique will cure head problems unrelated to Vindhushakthi.

14:38 – 15:19 Discussion on the importance of Siddha Vedam and commitment to research more about it.

15:20 – 15:39 Viewer shares their struggle with masturbation and homosexual attraction, seeking advice.

15:40 – 16:07 Explaining the impact of early exposure to inappropriate content and the struggle it causes.

16:07 – 16:28 Emphasizing that society and early exposure contribute to such problems and that solutions are available.

16:28 – 16:41 Offering water fasting as a method to control bad thoughts and addictions.

16:41 – 17:00 Encouraging focus on positive activities and cultural learning to combat negative habits.

17:00 – 17:21 Suggesting listening to audio stories like Mahabharata and Ramayanam for inspiration.

17:21 – 17:52 Reinforcing the benefits of water fasting and positive engagement in overcoming addictions.

17:53 – 18:32 Motivational message to take firm steps and not feel bad about past mistakes.

18:33 – 19:14 Viewer shares a past mistake and seeks advice on how to move forward with a clear conscience.

19:15 – 19:41 Assurance that past actions should not cause guilt and that focusing on the future is key.

19:42 – 20:34 Sharing a story to illustrate the importance of letting go of past mistakes and moving forward.


#Celibacy #NofapChallenge #Yoga #Meditation #SexualEnergyTransmutation #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualAwakening #NoFapCommunity #EnergyConservation #Discipline #Mindfulness #HealthAndWellness #TamilCommunity #Motivation #SuccessStories #SelfControl #Focus #LifeGoals #Transformation