s10 11 No Money No Wife! Day 11 with Thirumoolar

Season 10 No Money No Wife! Day 11 with Thirumoolar

Celibacy Yoga Meditation – Nofap 48 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 10

Season 10 No Money No Wife! Day 11 with Thirumoolar

Welcome to Day 11 of our 48 Days Nofap Challenge! In this episode, we delve into the teachings of Thirumoolar, focusing on the principles of celibacy, yoga, and meditation. Discover how these ancient practices guide us in overcoming worldly attachments and finding inner strength. Learn about the significance of personal discipline, the role of family traditions, and how to navigate challenges with spiritual resilience. This episode offers valuable insights into maintaining a celibate lifestyle and harnessing the power of meditation to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

0:01 – 1:24: Warm greetings to the celibate and brahmachari community. Acknowledgement of the progress and dedication shown by participants in the challenge.

1:24 – 5:00: Discussion on the importance of transmuting desires and maintaining spiritual practices. Explanation of how the nourishment of the body and mind is crucial for sustaining celibacy and personal growth.

5:00 – 8:00: Insights on the concept of kuladeivam (family deity) and its role in personal spirituality. Emphasis on the need to focus on one’s own spiritual journey and self-care before seeking external blessings.

8:00 – 10:00: Reflection on Thirumoolar’s teachings about the impermanence of material life and the importance of inner fulfillment. Discussion on the significance of living a disciplined life, even amidst worldly challenges

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