s10 25 அண்டமே பிண்டம் how to see god Day 25 with Thirumoolar

Season 10 அண்டமே பிண்டம் how to see god Day 25 with Thirumoolar

Celibacy Yoga meditation – Nofap 48 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 10

Season 10 அண்டமே பிண்டம் how to see god Day 25 with Thirumoolar

In this 25th episode of our journey through the 48 Days Nofap Challenge, we delve deep into the principles of celibacy, meditation, and the wisdom of Thirumoolar. As we progress in our practice, we explore the power of self-control and how it elevates our spiritual consciousness. By discussing the interconnectedness of the universe and our inner self, the episode highlights the importance of mastering one’s desires to achieve a higher state of being. Thirumoolar’s teachings guide us in understanding the transient nature of worldly pleasures and the eternal truth of the soul. This episode also emphasizes the significance of continuous meditation and self-awareness in overcoming the distractions of life. Through celibacy and dedicated practice, we can unlock the divine potential within us and move closer to realizing God.

Timestamp: 0:00 – Introduction to the 25th day of the journey, emphasizing the importance of crossing the 25-day mark in celibacy.

Timestamp: 0:10 – Discussion on the strength gained by men after 30 days of celibacy, highlighting the comparison between men and women.

Timestamp: 1:00 – A reflection on the comments and questions from the audience, addressing common doubts and misconceptions about the journey.

Timestamp: 4:00 – Explanation of the philosophical concepts of Dvaita, Vishishtadvaita, and Advaita, relating them to the principles of celibacy and meditation.

Timestamp: 7:00 – Discussion on the illusion of the material world and the truth of the soul, as taught in Advaita philosophy.

Timestamp: 10:00 – Detailed explanation of the elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and their significance in the spiritual journey.

Timestamp: 11:00 – The role of the Panchabhutas (five elements) in the creation of the universe and the importance of understanding their interconnectedness.

Timestamp: 12:00 – Thirumoolar’s teachings on the relationship between Shiva, Shakti, and the elements, and how they influence our spiritual practices.

Timestamp: 14:00 – The concept of Siddhakasam, the essence of life, and how it is perceived through deep meditation and kundalini practices.

Timestamp: 15:00 – Conclusion and reflection on the day’s teachings, with an encouragement to continue the journey with dedication and perseverance.

#Celibacy #Nofap #Thirumoolar #SpiritualJourney #Meditation #Yoga #Brahmacharya #SelfControl #Advaita #Dvaita #Vishishtadvaita #Panchabhutas #ShivaShakti #Kundalini #Siddhakasam #SoulAwakening #InnerPeace #SpiritualWisdom #GodRealization #Mindfulness #DivineEnergy #SpiritualGrowth #SelfAwareness #EternalTruth #LifeForce #SiddhaTeachings #InnerStrength #ChakraActivation #VedicPhilosophy #SelfDiscipline #UniversalTruth

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