s10 34 சக்தி களம் 🗡️ மந்திரம் 🗡️ Day 34 with Thirumoolar |

Season 10 Day 34 – Thirumoolar in Tamil

Celibacy Yoga Meditation – Nofap 48 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 10

Season 10 Day 34 – Thirumoolar

Welcome to Day 34 of our 48 Days Nofap Challenge. Today’s podcast, featuring insights from Thirumoolar, dives deep into the power of celibacy, yoga, and meditation. We explore the essence of mantras and their transformative impact on our spiritual journey. Thirumoolar discusses how ancient practices and teachings can guide us in our quest for spiritual awakening and personal strength. Discover how adopting these practices can enhance your meditation, deepen your understanding of the universe, and aid in achieving greater mental clarity and discipline.

0:00 – 0:15: Greetings to all our celibate brothers and sisters. Today marks the 34th day of our celibacy journey. Many of you have shown remarkable strength.

0:16 – 5:42: We are approaching the time to meet in person. Please fill out the necessary forms as per the links provided in the description. Today, we address a viewer’s question about the truth of God’s dance. The speaker compares it to a crow landing on a palm tree, emphasizing that predictions about the future are uncertain. Instead of focusing on external validations, one should trust the divine presence within. Mantras and rituals, when practiced with intent, can enhance spiritual power. The importance of maintaining Brahmacharya (celibacy) is highlighted, noting that true power comes from internal spiritual practices rather than external rituals alone.

5:44 – 6:07: The speaker critiques the concept of desiring material wealth or status through external means. It is suggested that if one desires something, it will manifest accordingly. This principle is compared to the effectiveness of chanting mantras in temples.

6:08 – 7:00: Temples and rituals are discussed as means to tap into collective vibrations. The effectiveness of these practices is likened to iron being heated in a fire, absorbing and radiating heat. The speaker stresses that the true essence of these rituals lies in their scientific and spiritual foundations.

7:01 – 7:33: The speaker describes how significant it is to understand the science behind spiritual practices. It takes years of dedication to master these techniques, which should not be overlooked.

7:34 – 8:14: Power in temples is only significant if there is a Siddhartha Samadhi (spiritual realization). Celibacy and proper life practices contribute to harnessing this power. The mantra practice is essential for strengthening the mind and unifying it. The effectiveness of mantras lies in their ability to connect with various chakras and enhance spiritual energy.

8:14 – 11:06: The final segment reiterates the importance of mantras in strengthening the mind and spirit. Chanting mantras like ‘Sivaya Vasi’ is explained as a method to connect with higher energies and enhance one’s spiritual state. The session concludes with a call to continue on the path of celibacy and spiritual growth.

#Celibacy #Yoga #Meditation #NofapChallenge #SpiritualAwakening #Mantras #Thirumoolar #Brahmacharya #InnerPower #Mindfulness #SpiritualJourney #SelfDiscipline #Chakras #MeditationPractice #CelibacyChallenge #SpiritualGrowth #AncientWisdom #Rituals #PersonalStrength #TransformativePower #CelibacyJourney #MantraChanting #EnergyVibration #HolisticHealth #DivinePresence #MindPower #SacredPractices #CelibateLife #InnerStrength #SelfAwareness #HigherConsciousness

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