s10 35 நாம் யார்?? Who we are Day 35 with Thirumoolar

Season 10 நாம் யார்?? Who we are Day 35 with Thirumoolar

Celibacy Yoga Meditation – Nofap 48 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 10

Season 10 நாம் யார்?? Who we are Day 35 with Thirumoolar

In this enlightening episode of Season 10, Day 35 of our 48 Days Nofap Challenge, we delve deep into the spiritual teachings of Thirumoolar. The episode emphasizes the significance of celibacy, yoga, and meditation as pathways to self-realization and spiritual awakening. Thirumoolar’s teachings guide us towards understanding our divine nature and the purpose of our existence. By practicing Brahmacharya and embracing the essence of meditation, we aim to connect with our higher selves and attain a state of inner peace and fulfillment.

0:00 – Greetings to all on the 35th day of the Brahmachari journey. We celebrate Shiva Diksha, a rare and significant day. Please plan ahead to join us without disrupting preparations.

0:17 – The purpose of life is to attain God. We don’t attain God externally but realize that God is within us.

0:51 – The realization of God within leads to unity with the divine. Understanding this truth changes our perception and our interactions with the world.

1:38 – Reflecting on our lifespan in the context of eternity reveals how fleeting our time is. We are here to realize and experience the divine within us.

2:41 – The purpose of life is to experience and live with God, as everything around us is a manifestation of the divine.

3:27 – Everything in this world is an illusion, except the consistency of our divine nature. Recognizing this consistency opens the doors to Brahmacharya.

4:17 – Thirumoolar explains the secret in traditional songs and rituals, emphasizing that our life and spiritual practices are symbolized by rice, fire, and burning pots.

6:46 – Avoid indulging in worldly desires and focusing on spiritual practices to attain eternal life. Reducing the need for food and maintaining health are essential aspects of this journey.

8:06 – Reiterates the importance of maintaining spiritual discipline and avoiding excesses in physical needs to achieve liberation.

#Celibacy #Brahmacharya #Yoga #Meditation #Nofap #SpiritualAwakening #Thirumoolar #48DaysChallenge #SelfRealization #DivineWithin #SpiritualJourney #InnerPeace #CelibacyChallenge #Mindfulness #SelfDiscipline #EternalLife #SpiritualGrowth #DivineConnection #BrahmacharyaJourney #MeditativePractice #CelibateLife #SpiritualDiscipline #HolisticLiving #LifePurpose #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualEnlightenment #YogaPractices #CelibacyBenefits #InnerStrength #SoulAwakening #PeaceWithin

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