s10 40 உலகின் பார்வையில் எப்படி வாழ்வது?

Celibacy Yoga Meditation – Nofap 48 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 10

Season 10 Day 40 – உலகின் பார்வையில் எப்படி வாழ்வது?

In this episode of our 48-day Nofap challenge, we delve into the practical aspects of celibacy, yoga, and meditation, focusing on how to maintain and regain energy during this period. We explore the importance of staying committed to the challenge and discuss practical steps to enhance your journey. By incorporating daily practices and reflecting on personal growth, listeners can find renewed strength and purpose in their celibacy journey. The episode emphasizes the significance of self-discipline and inner peace, and how these principles contribute to a successful Nofap experience.

0:00 – 0:14: The episode welcomes listeners to the 40th day of the 48-day brahmachari challenge, acknowledging the journey so far.

0:14 – 0:24: The host mentions that the meeting will continue for a few more days, and videos for the 41st day will be available after the meeting. Participants are encouraged to stay committed to the challenge.

1:31 – 1:37: A reminder for everyone to attend the meeting, except those who are taking the deeksha.

1:40 – 1:52: Listeners are advised to bring relatives who are unaware of brahmacharita and to fill out forms correctly for proper arrangements.

1:53 – 1:58: The importance of filling out forms to avoid difficulties is reiterated.

1:58 – 2:18: The host discusses the need for collective understanding and preparation for newcomers, likening it to a father instructing his son.

2:19 – 2:28: The benefits of knowing and adhering to the rules are emphasized.

2:29 – 2:36: The host reads a question from a listener about dealing with anger and perceptions from others while being in brahmacharita for 92 days.

2:39 – 3:12: The host advises that people’s opinions will change and stresses the importance of self-strength over seeking approval. Focus on internal growth rather than external validation.

3:12 – 4:15: Emphasis is placed on not expecting anything in return and maintaining self-control. The host advises that controlling anger and not expecting praise will lead to personal growth.

4:16 – 4:52: The host explains that anger should be controlled and that expecting nothing from others will help in maintaining composure.

4:53 – 5:20: Anger’s negative impact on relationships is highlighted, and listeners are encouraged to apologize when necessary and maintain strength in brahmacharita.

5:21 – 6:11: The episode concludes with a call for participants to remain strong, follow the challenge, and engage in self-transmutation.

6:11 – 6:24: The host expresses a desire for all participants to complete the 48-day challenge and achieve personal rewards.

6:25 – 6:46: A final reminder to attend the deeksha meeting and follow the timetable, with further details available in the Telegram group.

6:47 – 6:53: Encouragement to continue the journey and meet directly with the host is given.

6:57 – 6:59: The episode ends with a thank you and well wishes to all participants.

#Celibacy #Nofap #Brahmachari #Yoga #Meditation #48DaysChallenge #SelfDiscipline #InnerPeace #PersonalGrowth #SelfControl #AngerManagement #SpiritualJourney #Mindfulness #SelfImprovement #EnergyRegain #CelibacyChallenge #MeditationPractice #YogaDaily #InnerStrength #MentalClarity #EmotionalWellbeing #SelfCare #PositiveVibes #WellnessJourney #HolisticHealth #LifestyleChange #SelfAwareness #Motivation #Focus #ChallengeCompletion #StrengthInDiscipline #HealthyLiving

Contact Details: Email: [email protected], Website: https://celibacy.in, Training Programs: https://celibacy.in/training, Telegram Group: https://t.me/celibacyin, Video Channel: https://youtube.com/celibacy

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