S9 61 Day 61 – விந்து சக்திக்கும் கணக்கு உண்டா?

Season 9 Day 61 – விந்து சக்திக்கும் கணக்கு உண்டா?

Celibacy Yoga Meditation – Nofap 90 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 9

Season 9 Day 61 – விந்து சக்திக்கும் கணக்கு உண்டா?

Welcome to another episode focusing on the principles of celibacy, yoga, meditation, and the 90 Days Nofap challenge. In this episode, we delve into the essence of Brahmacharya and its impact on personal transformation. We explore how living a life of celibacy aligns with higher spiritual goals and enhances one’s inner power. The episode provides insights into maintaining Brahmacharya amidst modern challenges and highlights the profound benefits of adhering to this disciplined path. Learn how inner strength and spiritual growth are fostered through dedicated practice and alignment with traditional teachings.

0:11 – 0:32: The episode opens with a warm welcome to celibacy followers and Tamil-speaking people. The host expresses gratitude for the interest shown in the Healers and White Magic courses, mentioning that these will be included in the future.

0:33 – 0:45: A brief announcement is made about a delayed release, assuring that emails with more than 100 rupees will be returned to avoid unnecessary burdens.

0:48 – 0:59: The host emphasizes that becoming a great person or acquiring powers through various courses on YouTube is not feasible without understanding and practicing Brahmacharya.

1:00 – 1:14: The discussion centers on the futility of pursuing spiritual practices that do not integrate with Brahmacharya, which is crucial for true growth and success.

1:16 – 3:57: The host reflects on the challenges of pursuing spiritual growth and power without adhering to Brahmacharya, highlighting its essential role in achieving genuine success and liberation.

3:58 – 4:15: Mahatma Gandhi’s views on Brahmacharya and its significance are shared, noting that the struggle for Brahmacharya is more challenging than the struggle for freedom.

4:15 – 4:26: Gandhi’s focus on Brahmacharya and alcoholism as key issues is mentioned, underscoring the need to address these in India.

4:27 – 4:50: The host refers to a video received about societal issues, questioning the quality of modern life and the consequences of abandoning traditional values.

4:51 – 5:19: A critique of the current state of society and its impact on students is made, emphasizing that those who have harmed students will face consequences in the future.

5:20 – 5:55: The episode continues with a discussion on the importance of teaching a proper life and the challenges faced due to societal neglect of these teachings.

6:11 – 6:27: The host encourages living a life grounded in Brahmacharya and proper values, suggesting that God will reside in those who live correctly.

6:28 – 6:35: The episode stresses the need for maintaining Brahmacharya to avoid deviating from the right path and to achieve spiritual growth.

6:35 – 6:46: Emphasizing that living a proper life aligns with divine will, the host discusses the consequences of abandoning Brahmacharya.

6:47 – 7:43: The host advises against seeking divine help only after deviating from Brahmacharya, stressing that maintaining Brahmacharya is essential for overcoming life’s challenges.

7:44 – 7:51: A call to uphold Brahmacharya and connect with divine principles is made, acknowledging that this is the only path to true spiritual advancement.

7:52 – 7:56: Reiterates that there is no other way to progress except by adhering to Brahmacharya and divine principles.

7:57 – 8:03: Highlights the negative impact of degraded habits and desires on spiritual growth and encourages focusing on Brahmacharya.

8:04 – 8:11: The host acknowledges the difficulty of recalling all stories but emphasizes the importance of living in purity and understanding the essence of life.

8:11 – 8:38: The episode contrasts wise individuals who live in purity with those who live mindlessly, urging listeners to make a conscious choice.

8:38 – 8:54: The host asserts that living without desires and distractions aligns with Brahmacharya and spiritual growth.

8:55 – 9:01: Reflects on the long-term practice of penance and Brahmacharya, questioning the duration of such practices and their impact on spiritual growth.

9:01 – 9:09: The host discusses the challenge of maintaining Brahmacharya amidst distractions and personal struggles.

9:12 – 9:28: Emphasizes the need for consistent practice and divine connection to overcome sins and desires.

9:28 – 9:42: Suggests that to correct karma and desires, one must follow the path of God and maintain a connection with divine principles.

9:43 – 9:54: Highlights that divine support is crucial for overcoming desires and karmas, and that God’s presence helps cleanse them.

9:55 – 10:13: The episode concludes with advice to live in the present moment and not be overwhelmed by past or future concerns.

10:14 – 10:22: Encourages living in the present moment as a way to strengthen the mind and reduce future problems.

10:23 – 10:28: Provides a personal example of living in the present moment through breath and awareness.

10:29 – 10:42: Describes the contrast between the present moment and the mind’s tendency to dwell on the past and future.

10:45 – 10:54: Emphasizes that focusing on the present helps in personal growth and overcoming future challenges.

10:55 – 11:08: Reiterates that what happened yesterday is gone and cannot be changed; thus, focusing on the present is crucial.

11:08 – 11:19: Encourages listeners to start living in the present and strengthen their practice of Brahmacharya.

11:19 – 11:36: The host addresses various questions and concerns related to the episode’s topics, indicating a willingness to delve deeper into these subjects.

11:38 – 11:44: Mentions upcoming discussions and acknowledges that many brothers have been waiting for more detailed answers.

11:46 – 12:01: The host addresses questions about Vindhanam and its calculation, indicating that there is no clear consensus on this topic.

12:02 – 12:16: Discusses the lack of open discussion about Vindhushakthi Upathi and its relevance.

12:18 – 12:30: Comments on the current state of society and the need for awareness about the essence of life and personal growth.

12:31 – 12:35: Emphasizes the importance of understanding and following one’s spiritual path for personal development.

12:36 – 12:45: Concludes with a call to maintain the essence of life and not deviate from the path of Brahmacharya.

#Celibacy #Yoga #Meditation #Nofap #Brahmacharya #SpiritualGrowth #InnerStrength #PersonalDevelopment #Mindfulness #SelfDiscipline #Purity #SpiritualPath #TraditionalValues #LifeTransformation #DivinePrinciples #PresentMoment #MentalStrength #InnerPower #Wellbeing #CelibacyChallenge

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