S9 73 மேலும் மேலும் 🔥 வலிமை அடைவோம் 👍 Day 73

Celibacy Yoga meditation – Nofap 90 Days Challenge in Tamil – Season 9

Season 9 மேலும் மேலும் 🔥 வலிமை அடைவோம் 👍 Day 73

In today’s episode, I delve into the profound power of celibacy and its impact on our mental and physical well-being. By practicing Brahmacharya and avoiding indulgence, we create a strong, pure energy that fortifies us against life’s challenges. This practice enhances our spiritual journey, making us more resilient and focused. I discuss how this journey is not without its struggles, but through consistent dedication to meditation and yoga, we can overcome any obstacles and continue to strengthen our minds and bodies.

14:08 – 14:11: When faced with problems or confusion, the mind may become numb and empty, but through atral Varyam, we maintain clarity.

14:12 – 14:28: The unnatural birth-order Vankandam can cause tiredness, but by inhaling fresh air, we can cleanse our body and remain alert.

14:28 – 14:48: During Brahmacharya, the smell of air emanates from within us, cleansing our surroundings and reinforcing our purity.

14:49 – 15:11: Just as a battery has a limited capacity, our energy in Brahmacharya is powerful but must be managed carefully.

15:12 – 15:27: Brahmacharya helps us detach from external influences, allowing us to focus on inner growth and resist temptations.

15:28 – 15:48: Attachment to good deeds brings positive energy, while resisting negative influences strengthens our resolve.

15:49 – 16:05: Brahmacharya creates a separation from worldly desires, leading to purification and spiritual growth.

16:05 – 16:28: By adhering to Brahmacharya, we purify ourselves, and the external attachments lose their hold on us.

16:28 – 16:44: As we progress in Brahmacharya, the influence of external desires diminishes, leading to a more focused life.

16:44 – 16:59: The strength gained from Brahmacharya helps us overcome life’s challenges and maintain spiritual purity.

16:59 – 17:12: Despite facing failures, our inner strength from Brahmacharya helps us move forward and conquer difficulties.

17:14 – 17:24: Without Brahmacharya, we lack the spiritual clothing to pursue great achievements in life.

17:27 – 17:40: Brahmacharya empowers us to take steps forward in life without fear or hesitation.

17:41 – 17:54: By mixing good and bad experiences, Brahmacharya strengthens our ability to face challenges in life.

17:55 – 18:01: This practice pushes us to move forward despite difficulties, building resilience and determination.

18:04 – 18:22: Suicidal thoughts can arise when we lose our way, but Brahmacharya provides the strength to continue and overcome these feelings.

18:22 – 18:28: The forward momentum in life is due to the strength gained from Brahmacharya.

18:29 – 18:47: Though challenges may shake our minds, Brahmacharya keeps us grounded and reduces anger.

18:48 – 19:06: Over time, the practice of Brahmacharya elevates our dignity and self-worth, leading to greater inner strength.

19:09 – 19:20: Brahmacharya also instills a deep-seated fear of losing our progress, which motivates us to stay on the path.

19:22 – 19:28: Consistent practice of Brahmacharya can lead to significant spiritual accomplishments, as demonstrated by the story of Vishwamitra.

19:28 – 19:41: The story of Vishwamitra highlights the dangers of distractions but also the power of returning to the path of Brahmacharya.

19:43 – 20:02: Despite setbacks, the determination to return to Brahmacharya leads to great spiritual gains.

20:03 – 20:11: The story underscores the importance of persistence in Brahmacharya, even after setbacks.

20:12 – 20:20: By remaining steadfast, we can rebuild our energy and continue our spiritual journey.

20:21 – 20:25: Time and persistence are key in the practice of Brahmacharya, as each day strengthens our resolve.

20:26 – 20:38: After a period of struggle, the strength of Brahmacharya brings us back stronger and more determined.

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